As part of an Initial Outfitting and Transition Program, the U.S. Army needed to shift assets located in the northern part of South Korea near Seoul to Camp Humphreys, a military camp south of the capital city.
VWI was selected through a competitive bidding process to oversee the planning and execution of this effort. The work included comprehensive equipment planning (medical equipment, furniture and fixtures, and information technology (IT)), transition and relocation planning, training and orientation, warehousing and installation, and close out services.
The scope of work called for a consolidation of services, staff, and facilities from a disperse 55-building footprint to eight new buildings in a centralized environment. The new site totaled over $325M and 650SF and included a hospital, 72-chair dental clinic, combined health and dental clinic, veterinary clinic, headquarters office building, medical warehouse, and an early developmental testing and treatment facility for children.
Over two and a half years, VWI fielded an onsite team supplemented by reach-back staff in the United States with some providing intermittent onsite support. The team provided a 100% inventory of all assets, transportation study for product shipment, and identification of warehousing facilities. The equipment planning services included specification development, budget tracking, and identification of reusable items. The interior design team developed signage, way finding, and art packages. The transition structures were established for each separate project where expansive operational planning occurred for the clinical and administrative services, staff training and orientation, and relocation.
VWI successfully maneuvered numerous challenges while working in South Korea. Communication was never hampered by the opposing time zones through our creative use of web based technologies. Although our customers were wide-spread, VWI pulled them together in collaborative work groups and facilitated all the work sessions to plan their operations for each service, in each building.